In the bitter cold of the North Pole lived a lonely little gnome called Alappuu. Worse than being lonely was that he was cold from the inside out. He could warm his fingers, warm his toes, but never could he get his frozen heart to glow. In desperation he packed everything he owned and traveled south to the little town of Nome, Alaska, in search of the answer to his frozen dilemma. Joined by a delightful otter, the two soon discover the heart-warming secret now to be shared by all. The story, wrapped in gentle historic fact, will warm the heart...
Stephen Cosgrove and Robin James collaborated on the 60-plus titles that comprise the Serendipity Books series, including such classics as Serendipity, Flutterby, Morgan and Me, and Leo the Lop.Stephen Cosgrove’s career has spanned more than 35 years with over 300 children’s books and 30 young adult novels. Born and raised in Washington State, he now lives in Austin, TX, where he continues his writing career.Robin James has illustrated more than 75 books, including all of the titles in the much-loved Serendipity series. A native of the Pacific Northwest, she lives with her husband in Snohomish, WA.
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