This humorous graphic novel picture book shares an unexpected friendship between a young boy and his elderly neighbor as they discover they have a lot to learn from each other.
As an elderly man wonders if his days of adventure are behind him, across the street a young boy is struggling with boredom. But then everything changes when they run into each other outside and, after a bit of commotion, get caught up in the pursuit to document an elusive snowy owl in the woods behind their houses.
As the day unfolds, they get to know each other better and realize that they each have something to teach the other, and their friendship starts to grow.
The Birders is a humorous and heartwarming intergenerational story.
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"The best birding comedy here comes courtesy of the snowy owl, which reveals only its tail and talons to readers until appearing in full view in the book’s back matter, which discusses keeping a birding journal and offers facts about snowy owls."--Publishers Weekly
"Even city kids will appreciate this hot-off-the-presses whimsical story of an elderly man and his young neighbor who join forces to find an elusive snowy owl that lives in their neighborhood."--Tiny Beans
"The Birders is very humorous and engages the reader in the first few pages. I was constantly interested in what was going to happen next. The illustrations are fun, interesting, well done, and comical. This book is a great way to create in children a desire to observe nature."--Kiss the Book